

Six disastrous scenarios from delaying a move to the cloud

Image for Six disastrous scenarios from delaying a move to the cloud

Cloud technology is becoming more popular, but some businesses remain wary about a move to the cloud arguing “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it”. However, what is not broken today, may be tomorrow and a move to the cloud could proactively help prepare your business for an otherwise disastrous situation. In this blog post we look at six scenarios that could devastate your business and prove the benefits from moving to the cloud.

1. Critical system failure

Aging software with insufficient hardware space for increasing amounts of data can become a ticking time bomb for a catastrophic system failure. Recovery from system failures can take hours or even days leading to significant loss of revenue.

The maintenance of cloud-based software, including vital updates, falls to the software provider. This means you can carry on your day job with the peace of mind your software is being monitored, maintained, and updated accordingly to avoid system failures.

2. Loss of key personnel

Many businesses are guilty of harnessing all technical expertise onto one employee. If that employee hands in their notice, you’ll likely have, at most, a month to learn the inner workings of your software and it can feel almost impossible to keep the business systems running operationally.

Cloud based software providers have a large team of skilled, knowledgeable, and experienced staff to look after software, so there will always be someone to fall back on to ensure the business runs smoothly if key personnel leave the business.

3. Merger and acquisition

Mergers and acquisitions require significant organisational changes and on-premise software sometimes needs to upscale globally in these situations. It can stretch your IT departments significantly to implement such changes and maintain them.

Cloud solutions are specially designed to grow with your business and can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection. This gives employees complete visibility over the data they need, wherever they are. Cloud solutions can also be maintained centrally easing the workload of your IT department.

4. Legacy bottlenecks

If your business is looking to grow and are beginning to explore big data (i.e. accessing large quantities of business data to analyse) it can create bottlenecks in ageing legacy software if multiple departments are trying to access it at once. This can slow productivity, delay decision making and stall business growth.

Cloud solutions can provide dynamic scalability to your business that can handle peak loads, while not oversubscribing resources that should be reserved for normal activity. Cloud solutions are ideal for growing businesses and deliver the flexibility you need to achieve that.

5. Security breach

Malicious cyber attacks can be extremely harmful to businesses; they can grind operations to a halt and diminish trust with customers whose personal information is being held.

Cloud solutions provide the most secure environment to store business information. They are being monitored by cloud providers 24/7 and have numerous security measures in place.

6. Increasing IT costs

Major upgrades to on-premise hardware can be costly, and as your hardware ages, it requires additional attention and more money spending on it.

By the time you have factored in the IT costs to maintain an on-premise solution over the years, you most likely will have spent more than a cloud subscription. Cloud based software can often be paid for via a monthly subscription to break down the costs and eliminate large bulk payments in one go.

The six scenarios outlined above could provide disastrous consequences for your business if they were to occur, and all of them could be eliminated by a move to the cloud. By moving to the cloud you are future-proofing your business, and pro-actively preparing for scenarios such as the above. Take a look at Pegasus Business Cloud to see how it could work for your business or get in touch to speak to an accredited Pegasus Partner.

Posted On: April 07, 2021